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Business Intelligence
positive outcomes of implementing business intelligence

Vipul Sharma, 21st March

In today’s business world, data is power. Companies that gather and analyze data efficiently can gain a competitive advantage over their rivals. Business intelligence (BI) collects, analyses, and presents data to help business owners and managers make informed decisions.

In this blog, we will explore 6 positive outcomes that can result from implementing business intelligence in your business.

What is Business Intelligence (BI)?

Businesses can gather, combine, analyze, and turn unstructured data into pertinent and valuable business insights with the aid of various tools, technologies, applications, and processes known as business intelligence (BI). BI includes:

  • Data Gathering
  • Analytic Processing
  • Queries and Reporting

The global BI market is projected to reach $39.4 billion by 2027, growing at a CAGR of 10.1% from 2020 to 2027.

Purpose of Implementing Business Intelligence (BI)

The objective of business intelligence (BI) is to help businesses gather, analyze, and present data in a way that provides meaningful insights and supports informed decision-making.

By using BI tools, companies can better understand their customers, markets, and internal operations, improving efficiency, profitability, and overall performance.

BI aims to provide decision-makers with the information they need to make confident, data-driven decisions that support the company’s strategic objectives. BI can analyze data from various sources, including internal systems, third-party providers, and external databases.

This data can create reports, dashboards, and other visualizations, providing actionable insights and supporting informed decision-making.

Benefits of Business Intelligence in Business

Business intelligence’s primary advantages directly relate to its function in the modern business environment. Business intelligence is helpful for:

  • Enhance decision-making speed
  • Internal business processes should be improved
  • Increased productivity Increased turnover
  • Get a competitive edge
  • Discover market trends
  • Determine the issues that can be fixed in the business

Entrepreneurs frequently mix up business intelligence and business analytics, a severe issue in the current economic climate.

Entrepreneurs must comprehend that reporting, not process management, is the core of business intelligence. Because business owners need to be aware of its potential, so business intelligence is not being leveraged, which might alter businesses.

Let us examine the elements of business intelligence and how you may use it to improve your business processes successfully.

1. Intelligent Decision-Making

A manager or entrepreneur needs to exercise strict control over company data. Regarding enterprise-wide information, intelligence is typically different.

Organization and analysis of company data is the only goal of business intelligence. Businesses benefit from business intelligence while making strategic decisions. Better company decisions and increased financial performance are made possible by a system that keeps corporate data updated and in one location.

When closing the communication gap between managers and staff, an intelligent customer relationship management (CRM) solution in sales is crucial. We bridge the gap with a solution that offers several important business metrics, including as-

  • Productivity
  • Performance as a team
  • Customer service abilities
  • Cycle of sales
  • Customer Conduct
  • Loyal clients
  • Commercial trends

2. Excellent Customer Service

Delivering an excellent client experience is the key to better customer service. Your company’s success or failure will depend on how satisfied customers are.

Customers are more likely to buy from you again if you make a solid first impression. Up to 40% of your company’s revenue can come from 8% of your current clients.

Data from returning consumers can be filtered and collected using business intelligence. You may easily create tactics to entice current consumers to make more purchases based on the data you get.

Business intelligence enables business owners to provide a data-driven customer experience that aids in their ability to compete in the marketplace.

3. Better Customer Insights

Consumers are less open to buying what you have to offer. They seek solutions to their issues and adapt to market circumstances. The process that leads from initial interest in a good or service to the actual purchase has undergone significant modification recently. Said marketing initiatives are less critical than consumer engagement.

Integrated business intelligence technologies are becoming more and more in demand. Users can better understand how customers interact with them using CRM tools. Based on precise data, CRM software enables users to choose the best strategy to contact customers.

For a firm to adapt to the new era of the customer journey, it is crucial to use CRM systems to acquire the customer information required.

4. Better Return on Investment

An improvement in the company’s return on investment is one effect of those above. All firms prioritize ROI because it allows them to concentrate rapidly on obtaining more revenue and growth. CRM solutions with built-in business intelligence aid companies in streamlining daily operations. They consist of –

  • Efficacy of sales
  • The ratio of closed sales to total sales
  • Customer encounter

These solutions assist organizations in developing long-term growth strategies and large-scale data analysis promptly.

Businesses may use better information to boost daily sales and customer service, thanks to the insight and discipline provided by business intelligence tools. Also, they can prevent unwarranted presumptions and biases that frequently steer enterprises in the wrong direction.

5. Increased Productivity

Business intelligence can benefit organizations by:

  • Eliminate bottlenecks
  • Streamline operations in business
  • Automate routine tasks
  • More organized

Businesses can improve customer service and maximize the time of their sales personnel by properly using business intelligence. Automated reporting and clear dashboards increase the executive level’s business data efficiency. Monitor every contact and piece of transactional data with a few simple clicks.

Thanks to data aggregation, senior management may access client data through the cloud from any device, which cuts down management time. No longer are employees on the go required to call the office for information.

Enterprise data integration is ensured by simply entering daily changes into the app, keeping all information current without additional human labor.

6. Turn Data into Actionable Insights

Big data now significantly impact our understanding of how people think, act, and seek out information. Future data generation will proceed at an even faster rate. The expansion of social media platforms is the primary cause of this.

The number of posts that are written, images and videos that are uploaded, tweets that are sent, and other data-generating activities will increase.

The business that makes the first move and incorporates its official social media platform with business intelligence software will profit from these emerging trends, maintain customer relationships, and improve customer service.

You can make sense of these petabytes of data with the help of business intelligence. The gathered data can quickly become insightful knowledge that gives firms the necessary competitive advantage.

According to a report by MicroStrategy, 86% of BI users report that they have improved their business performance due to using BI. (Source: MicroStrategy)


In today’s data-driven business world, business intelligence is more important than ever. By gathering and analyzing data, BI tools can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, market trends, and other critical information that can inform strategic decision-making.

The benefits of BI are evident, from improved decision-making to increased efficiency, better customer insights, and more. If you still need to use BI in your business, now is the time to begin.


Vipul Sharma

Vipul Sharma is an Experienced Enterprise Architect with a demonstrated history of working with business requirements and providing architecture solutions in the Healthcare, Retail & and FinTech with Business Intelligence Consulting and Building BI Dashboards.

He is passionate about solving complex business problems in a scalable manner through data-driven insights and cross-functional collaboration. He has worked with Microsoft and VMWare to solve problems related to Customer Journey analysis, Inventory tracking and Cost Scheduling.

Vipul has proven expertise in Analytical Skills, Data Engineering, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Analytics and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Strong engineering and management professional and completed his Masters's Degree in Finance from the University of Rochester.

He is the founder of Prefigure Technologies in Seattle Washington to Offer Business Intelligence Services, BI Consulting, BI Implementation support, and BI Training.