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Business Intelligence BI Tools
Creating KPI Dashboards with Power BI

Vipul Sharma, 14th Jan

Key performance indicators (KPIs) are metrics used to measure the success of an organization or specific business objectives.

Creating powerful KPI dashboards with Power BI can help you track and visualize your KPIs in real-time, identify trends and patterns, and make informed decisions.

Creating a Powerful KPI Dashboard with Power BI

Here are some steps you can follow to create powerful KPI dashboards with Power BI:

  1. Define your KPIs: Identify the key metrics that are most important to your business and that will help you measure the success of your goals.
  2. Collect and organize your data: Gather all the data you will need to track your KPIs. Make sure your data is accurate and up-to-date.
  3. Create a dashboard: In Power BI, select “Dashboard” from the main menu, and then click “New Dashboard.”
  4. Add tiles to your dashboard: To display your KPIs, you will need to add tiles to your dashboard. You can add a variety of tile types, such as charts, tables, and gauges.
  5. Configure your tiles: Select a tile and then click “Edit” to configure its display options. You can choose the data that the tile will display, as well as customize its appearance and layout.
  6. Add filters: You can use filters to drill down into specific data and focus on specific time periods or other criteria. To add a filter, click “Add filter” on the dashboard menu and select the field you want to filter by.
  7. Publish your dashboard: When you are satisfied with your dashboard, click “Publish” to make it available to others in your organization.

By following these steps, you can create a powerful KPI dashboard in Power BI that will help you track and visualize your key performance indicators in real-time.


Vipul Sharma

Vipul Sharma is an Experienced Enterprise Architect with a demonstrated history of working with business requirements and providing architecture solutions in the Healthcare, Retail & and FinTech with Business Intelligence Consulting and Building BI Dashboards.

He is passionate about solving complex business problems in a scalable manner through data-driven insights and cross-functional collaboration. He has worked with Microsoft and VMWare to solve problems related to Customer Journey analysis, Inventory tracking and Cost Scheduling.

Vipul has proven expertise in Analytical Skills, Data Engineering, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Analytics and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Strong engineering and management professional and completed his Masters's Degree in Finance from the University of Rochester.

He is the founder of Prefigure Technologies in Seattle Washington to Offer Business Intelligence Services, BI Consulting, BI Implementation support, and BI Training.