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Business Intelligence Artificial Intelligence

Vipul Sharma, 13th Feb

Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to be a powerful transformation driver for global sectors and organizations as we all venture deeper into our digitally transformed world. Governments and businesses should invest more than $500 billion in AI worldwide by 2023.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has now been embraced into many facets of our culture and daily lives. It’s difficult to argue against its influence on anything, from chatbots and virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to automated machinery and self-driving cars.

Trends Of Artificial Intelligence

Machine learning, which consists of sophisticated software algorithms built to execute a single specialized task, like answering questions, translating languages, or navigating a route, and improving at it over time, is the technology employed today most frequently to create AI.

The recent Research Summary survey states that 25% of businesses have integrated AI into their operations, while 91.5% of leading companies are spending money to develop AI further.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is rapidly transforming how we live and work, profoundly influencing the global economy. AI technologies are rapidly evolving, and new applications are constantly being developed.

As we look ahead to 2023, several key trends are shaping AI’s future. Here are some of the top trends in AI that are likely to have the most significant impact in 2023:

1. AI-powered Automation

Automation has been a trend for several years, but AI-powered automation is becoming increasingly sophisticated and capable. AI automates various tasks, from customer service and support to sales, marketing, and complex business processes. As AI technology continues to improve, we expect to see more applications of AI-powered automation.

2. Advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP)

NLP is a subfield of AI that deals with the interaction between computers and human language.

In 2023, we can expect significant NLP advancements, with AI systems becoming more capable of understanding and processing human speech and text. This will lead to more natural and intuitive interactions between humans and AI systems and enable the development of more advanced applications such as voice-based personal assistants and chatbots.

For instance, companies in the HR, travel, and consumer goods industries utilize NLP-based intelligent assistants to speed response times and provide information about their products. NLP also enables machines to communicate with people in their languages. This then spreads various language-related jobs into numerous languages, including text analytics, email filters, text prediction, and digital phone calls.

3. Integration of AI and IoT (Artificial Intelligence of Things)

The Internet of Things (IoT) is a network of connected devices that can gather, transmit, and act on data. As Artificial Intelligence becomes more integrated with IoT, we expect to see the development of new applications that leverage the capabilities of both technologies.

For example, AI-powered IoT devices will be able to collect and analyze data in real-time, enabling new use cases such as predictive maintenance and predictive energy management.

You must realize how AI requires data, but most IoT data may only be helpful to comprehend it more clearly if utilized with AI. The “AIoT” (Artificial Intelligence of Things) is required for this reason.

The best part is that AIoT can significantly improve processes and systems across industries, whether it is through employee productivity, innovation, or operational expenses.

4. Growth of AI in Healthcare

AI is already making a significant impact in healthcare, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. AI technologies are being used to improve patient outcomes, streamline clinical processes, and enhance medical research.

For example, AI systems are being used to analyze medical images, detect early signs of disease, and help doctors make more informed decisions about patient care. The world is about to experience a change in how healthcare is provided thanks to AI, with a discernible increase in productivity and efficiency of care delivery.

Artificial Intelligence (AI), which has the power to change patient outcomes, will continue to be at the forefront of the burgeoning healthcare revolution.

5. Increased Investment in AI Research and Development

Artificial Intelligence is a rapidly growing field, and governments, universities, and companies worldwide are investing heavily in AI research and development.

In 2023, we can expect continued investment in AI as organizations look for ways to improve their competitiveness and stay ahead of the curve. This investment will drive innovation and lead to new and Improved AI technologies.

6. Rise of AI-powered Cybersecurity

As cyber threats continue to grow, AI is becoming increasingly important for protecting against cyber attacks. AI systems are being used to detect and prevent cyber-attacks in real-time and to identify and respond to cyber threats before they cause harm.

In 2023, we can expect continued growth in AI-powered cybersecurity as organizations look for ways to better protect themselves and their customers. The demand for algorithm-based AI is increasing as malware in various forms becomes the main threat.

Due to its ability to adapt, operate at scale, and comb through millions of breaches to find anomalies, hazards, and warning signs of potential future attacks, AI has an advantage in this situation.

7. Expansion of AI in Finance

Artificial Intelligence significantly impacts finance, and this trend is expected to continue in 2023. AI systems are being used to automate routine tasks, such as data analysis and compliance reporting, and to identify fraud and prevent financial crimes.

In 2023, we expect to see continued growth in the use of AI in finance as financial institutions look for ways to improve their efficiency and competitiveness.

Future of AI

The strategic foresightedness of any technology invites people to consider alternative consequences to those previously known. They also raise the likelihood of a future different from what was predicted.

AI trends will continue to expand as we move closer to Industry 4.0, and it will be able to adapt on its own, creating new and better renditions of itself. This process will be referred to as self-evolution. Self-evolution will allow AI to become more innovative and more reliable over time. It will also permit AI to adapt to new contexts and situations, increasing its versatility and power.

Very soon, Artificial Intelligence will advance to the point where it is indistinguishable from human intelligence.


In conclusion, 2023 is an exciting year for Artificial Intelligence, with various new initiatives and technological advances. Different businesses, including finance, healthcare, and retail, will be impacted as technology develops. As we work to realize AI’s full potential, success will depend on ensuring that it is used ethically and responsibly.


Vipul Sharma

Vipul Sharma is an Experienced Enterprise Architect with a demonstrated history of working with business requirements and providing architecture solutions in the Healthcare, Retail & and FinTech with Business Intelligence Consulting and Building BI Dashboards.

He is passionate about solving complex business problems in a scalable manner through data-driven insights and cross-functional collaboration. He has worked with Microsoft and VMWare to solve problems related to Customer Journey analysis, Inventory tracking and Cost Scheduling.

Vipul has proven expertise in Analytical Skills, Data Engineering, Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence, Analytics and Amazon Web Services (AWS). Strong engineering and management professional and completed his Masters's Degree in Finance from the University of Rochester.

He is the founder of Prefigure Technologies in Seattle Washington to Offer Business Intelligence Services, BI Consulting, BI Implementation support, and BI Training.